Rose City Label World Headquarters

  • 7235 SE Label Ln. Portland, OR 97206

  • +1 503 777.4711

  • +1 800 547.9920


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Rose City Label Contact Form

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Our Super Stars: Rose City Label Staff

DepartmentContactService: How We Help YouService: How We Help YouDescription
Traditional & Digital PrePressLisa Helfrich,
Art Director, Digital Production
503 777-4711
File preparation, design suggestions, technical questionsAll new and revised jobs go through this department
Traditional & Digital PrePressLaura Cricard,
Prepress, Label Design, Digital Production
503 777-4711
File preparation, design suggestions, technical questionsWe can help - just ask!
Customer Service/Office ManagerHeidi Dietz,
Inside Sales, Customer Service, Office Manager
503 777-4711
Quotes, status checks, billing questionsQuick response and great customer satisfaction.
Customer Service, Inside SalesAmy Dobesh,
Inside Sales, Customer Service
503 777-4711
Quotes, status checks, helpful hintsQuick response and great customer satisfaction.
Label Printing SalesEric Gorrell,
Account Sales Manager, Beverage Specialist
503 777-4711
Excellent solutions to all your label problems...We get it Done on Time and on Budget
The OwnersWhitney Pillsbury,
Vice President
503 777-4711
Providing the tools
you need for
Profitable Businesses
We do what it takes to help you succeed.
The OwnersScott Pillsbury,
503 777-4711
Providing the tools
you need for
Profitable Businesses
Got label problems? We can help.