Rose City Label PrePress: What’s It All About

Rose City Label, prepress, digital prepress, upload files, digital

Rose-City-Label_Customer-ServicePrepress is the term used in the printing and publishing industries for the processes and procedures that occur between the creation of a print layout and the final printing. Another way to think about this is; what happens from the Conception (creation) of your Label Idea to the physical Printed Label.

The Prepress Procedure includes adjustment of images and texts or and the creation of a high-quality print file for digital or traditional press printing, as well as the manufacture of printing plates. In today’s prepress shop, the form of delivery from the customer is usually electronic, either a High Resolution PDF or application files created from such programs as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, or other professional graphic programs. [1. Prepress: Wikipedia]

Rose City Label prides itself on evolving with Digital Technology and can provide Professional PrePress Assistance if needed; all you have to do is ask.

Rose City Label: Free Helpful Downloads

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Artwork InformationDescriptionDownload
HP Indigo TechnologyComplete description of our most advanced digital press.
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Labels 101Basic Label Terminology to Help YouRose-City-Label_PDF-Download
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Open Account Credit ApplicationDownload and submit to apply for 1%10, N30 TermsRose-City-Label_PDF-Download
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