
We are thrilled when our good customers get recognized for their amazing products.  Working for and with companies that create best in class products is one of the most fun things we do here at Rose City Label.  Being a part of their success is obviously good for business, but it also makes us proud to contribute to their success.

Recently GQ magazine recognized them as One of the Top 10 Ice Creams in America!  Read the full story by clicking here.

Salt & Straw has been a growing customer since 2011.  As their business has grown and thrived we have been there with them every step of the way.  Learn more about their business and where to buy this award-winning ice cream by clicking here to visit their website.

If you want to build your brand with great labels and want a responsive, passionate team behind you, please call us today!

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This blog post was written by Scott

President of Rose City Label - I am the primary blogger and marketing driver for our company. I can help with just about any label challenge - let my 24 years experience work for you!