Rose City Label has always been a professional workplace, but we also try to be a family and pet friendly environment.  We think this balance is what has allowed us to keep such a high quality work force for so many years.  Most employees have over 10 years with the company, with many have over 20 years.

So, when Penelope (left) had a hurt paw, it was easy to bring her into the office so her mom (Heidi) wouldn’t have to worry about her at home all day!

Hopefully by keeping this balance between fun, family, and work, we can continue to be strong for the next 81 years.

Thanks to all of you that are a part of the extend Rose City Label Family.

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This blog post was written by Scott

President of Rose City Label - I am the primary blogger and marketing driver for our company. I can help with just about any label challenge - let my 24 years experience work for you!