Some parts of being a ‘green’ business are very difficult and costly, but some aren’t. By having a constant eye toward reuse and recycling, you can make small steps that add up to big change for the planet over time. This is one simple way that we helped to make the world more green.
A few years ago, we updated our logo and branding. It isn’t a huge change, but we try to stay consistent and not use our old, outdated logo when we are dealing with customers. Unfortunately, we also had a large inventory of note cards with the old logo – we didn’t just want to throw them out. Instead, we found an easy way to re purpose them.
First, we printed the new logo on the bottom of the cards using our office color laser printer
Next, we cut off the top half of the card. Now instead of being a folded card, it is just a single flat note card – still big enough to write a simple ‘thank you’ to a vendor, customer, or friend.
Finally, we used the old ‘top half’ of the cards for scratch paper in the office. They are nice quality material, and they are perfect for writing notes within the office – nobody cares that there is an old logo printed on the back of a simple note.
This isn’t a huge step to stop global warming, but it is one simple, easy, free way that we can all make a difference. More importantly, as we do more of these things and celebrate them within our company at staff meetings, the more we find new and different ways to make a difference. It seems, we have found, that these ideas kind of feed on each other – one person learns from another, and before long, you are all working toward the important goal of making the world a greener place – one small step at a time.
Do you want help making your company more green? We can help.
We are happy to provide resources and suggestions for any company that is trying to reduce their environmental foot print and become a better corporate citizen. It takes all of us working together, so we are happy to lend a hand. In the process, we will probably learn something from you, too!
Call us today – we are happy to help.