Oregon Craft Beer is still moving forward!  The Oregon economy continues to grow and benefit from the Craft Beer industry.  Senator Ron Wyden was in town last week for a private lunch with the beer industry – he is proud of the good work our brewers and suppliers are doing to grow this robust sector of the Oregon economy.  Our quality, passion, and willingness to work together as an industry were all keys to our success, according to Wyden.

The Portland Business Journal recently published data from the Brewers Association – it is very interesting:

  • Oregon Craft Beer production exceeded 1 BILLION Barrels in 2015 for the first time ever
  • Production growth was 18% last year, following 2 years of 15% growth
  • The economic impact of this industry is $449 per capita – making Oregon the highest in the nation
  • Oregon Craft Brewery count is up to 216, up from 124 in 2011

All of this data points to one thing- Oregon Beer is ON FIRE!  We are proud to supply many of these growing producers and we work hard to support them every day.

Please contact us today if we can help you.  We look forward to serving you again in 2016.  Cheers!


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This blog post was written by Scott

President of Rose City Label - I am the primary blogger and marketing driver for our company. I can help with just about any label challenge - let my 24 years experience work for you!

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