Plastic Film Recycling
Rose City Label partners with a local grocery store to provide plastic film recycling. Each week we get roll stock in on pallets wrapped with plastic, but we had no good way to recycle the plastic film. We don’t have enough to interest our trash hauler, so much of it was going to the landfill.
Thank You Fred Meyer Stores
Because our local Fred Meyer stores collect plastic grocery bags at their store entrance, we contacted them about our pallet film recycling problem. They have the volume and infrastructure to recycle very large quantities of this film. They were happy to add our plastic film into their recycle mix. Thank you! They consolidate plastic bags and film from several stores and divert it to reuse projects like plastic totes and park benches. Our plastic film is just one small drop in the very large bucket of recycling that was already in place.
Ask Your Neighbors
Sometimes your best solutions are right next door. This Fred Meyer is a great local store that I have shopped at my whole life. The location where we drop off is only 6 blocks from our shop, and it is very easy to drop off a few bags of plastic pallet film every week. You never know what resources you have right in your neighborhood.
Be Creative
This solution didn’t come from a recycling manual or a seminar, just a crazy idea to ask the question. You never know if you don’t ask, so don’t be afraid to think of new solutions. As long as you are respectful and have a good intent, we have generally found that the partner companies you contact are open to your ideas.
Small Things Add Up
We have made many small changes in our business since we were first eco-certified by Clackamas County in 2008. Not all of them have worked, but they all add up over time. Here are a few of our eco wins over the past 10 years:
- Full kitchen with real plates, cups and utencils
- Bike friendly for employee transit
- Low flow toilet valves
- Electronic meeting handouts
- Battery, bulb, cartridge recycling
- Plastic pallet wrap recycling
- Pallet give away to employees for home projects
- Pallet give away to neighbors and schools
- 100% wind power
- Many more!
Not all of these have worked out for us, but we are always trying new things. Our entire team is engaged and they frequently come up with our best ideas for waste reduction. Try some of these yourself and see how they work in your business. And, as always, if you have questions, please call us today. We love helping other companies on their green journey.