Label History
This metal ruler that I use every day to measure labels is likely over 50 years old. The markings were discontinued as early as the 1940s so this ruler has seen a few labels over the years and it still works every day – just like Rose City Label. We have 90 years of label history behind our team that gives us the tools, knowledge, and experience to help with any custom label printing project.
Phone Numbers
There were 5.5 million phones in America by 1910, according to this website. At first Americans adopted the LLL-NNNN format (three letters, four numerals). After becoming aware that it was running out of words beginning with the needed three letters, New York introduced the LLN-NNNN format in 1930. All the other cities following suit in 1947–48. As the communication world grew, the all numeric (7 digit) phone number system became standard. In 2010 the state of Oregon mandated 10 digit dialing – including the prefix with the number. Clearly, this ruler has seen some changes in the label industry all these years. Our number, PR5-1509, indicated a particular exchange (PR), where the call was routed. This was one of many switch buildings located around the city of Portland. You could tell the neighborhood of a business or home, not just the state, by their phone number.
Address and Zip Codes
Like the phone number and area code, the 5 digit zip code also came to Oregon in the past 50 years. Prior to adoption of the Zip code, areas were identified with a number after the city – like the example on the ruler. Portland 66, Oregon designated a particular section of the city. We couldn’t find precise dates when the 5 digit zip code became common, but it was many, many years ago.
We Have Perspective
Because of this long label history, we have a knowledge base that is unmatched by any other label vendor in our area. Being in the business so long also gives us a long term view of our customers and their success. We aren’t just in this game to win the day or the month – we want long term, permanent partnerships. Nothing lasts forever, but we have a longer term perspective than most local businesses.
Modern Technology, Too
All this history doesn’t keep us locked in the 1960s. Digital printing is growing fast and we continue to invest in the latest automation, systems, and equipment to run our business efficiently in 2018. We get orders by email, phone, text message, or any other way you want to communicate. Experienced doesn’t mean backward. We have a solid foundation but we aren’t resting on it – we are always moving forward.
We Can Help – Call us Today
With a long company history, many 20+ year employees, and a focus on quality, we really do have what it takes to meet your label needs. Call us today – we are always happy to provide free, friendly consultations. If you don’t call today, that’s OK, we will be here in the future to help as your business grows.